Home : Perguntas do Quiz : Maio 2018

Quizzes from May, 2018

Maio 1Heartbleed was a security hole found in what technology?
Maio 2What is software that can be used by several different industries called?
Maio 3Which language is processed by the web browser rather than the web server?
Maio 4What is the aspect ratio of HDV video?
Maio 5What term refers to a video card that resides outside the computer?
Maio 6Which technology is used to find the shortest path between routers?
Maio 7Pressing a key or clicking a mouse button sends what type of signal to the CPU?
Maio 8Which of the following technologies is associated with scanners?
Maio 9Ripcording might produce what type of file format?
Maio 10Read-only means what type of operation is not allowed?
Maio 11FPU performance might be indicated with what unit of measurement?
Maio 12The process of converting a value to another value is also called what?
Maio 13Which of the following defines a range of useable IP addresses?
Maio 14What kind of device is an Amazon Kindle?
Maio 15A program that is partially developed but never released is called what?
Maio 16What development step converts source code to machine code?
Maio 17Malware that takes advantage of a security hole before it is known is called what?
Maio 18What takes place in the optimizing stage of a macOS program installation?
Maio 19El Capitan was a refinement to what previous version of Apple's desktop OS?
Maio 20Which Windows technology was developed to take advantage of a computer's GPU?
Maio 21A command-line interface may also be called what?
Maio 22Which of the following is commonly used to match wildcard characters in a string?
Maio 23Which of the following might function as a file server?
Maio 24What is a pin on an integrated circuit that does not have a specific function called?
Maio 25What action does cropping an image perform?
Maio 26Which of the following is a type of Internet connection?
Maio 27What is the digital record used to record cryptocurrency transactions called?
Maio 28Which of the following was superseded by DDR SDRAM in the early 2000s?
Maio 29What does a Java app "throw" when an unexpected event is encountered?
Maio 30What Windows service maps NetBIOS names to IP addresses?
Maio 31What type of software is most likely to be distributed in a physical box?